Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring has Sprung

This week it looks like the daffodils are out, the redbuds are showing and another tree with white flower buds (not dogwood) are blossoming. Spring is one of the best times on the Ridge with new sounds (owls, spring peeper frogs  , tree frogs, etc.) and new blossom sights every week along with birds returning from migration. With the warm weather has this all started earlier than usual? I noticed plenty of bugs around our evening outdoor light earlier than usual this year.

Barred Owls

Last weekend with the air crisp and great for sleeping we had the windows open and were able to hear two barred owls calling back and forth for about 20 minutes. It had been over a year since we last heard them and it's always exciting when they call out. For some reason it always seems to be between 2 and 4am.  Has anyone else been hearing them?
If you don't know what they sound like it goes like this, "Who cooks? Who cooks for yooouu?"