Monday, August 31, 2009

Little Buck

I have seen this little buck around River Ridge many times the past few weeks. Sightings included once at daybreak on Sideling Mtn Trail and Chipmunk and several times on the upper portion of Constant Run Road. Apparently, a buck with a very large rack was just sighted on Milo School Road near the back gate.

The birds and the bees and... the turtles?

I thought this guy was just passing through our yard on Sunday morning but by late afternoon he had other things in mind.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Webs in Morning Fog

Click to see them more clearly. These were taken on an early Saturday (yesterday) walk down Chipmunk and Moss Ln.

What a Weekend

Today was as good as it gets. The leaves have started to change, the weather was perfect and the wildlife was enjoying it as well. I've got a lot of new photos from the weekend to post soon!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Outside River Ridge

Well, maybe a little further than just outside the gate but I have a good friend who enjoys photography and wildlife and moved to Anchorage, Alaska two years ago. He looked at the River Ridge blog yesterday and said he really liked it. Since then he sent a pic of one of his front yard visitors. Let me know if anyone sees one of these in River Ridge! :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Too close for comfort!

I know it's just a black snake and supposedly harmless but...

I don't like him peeking in the windows.

Weekender Welcome

We drove up eager for another relaxing River Ridge weekend this past June and when my wife stepped out of the car she froze and stared at me speechless. She looked at me then looked down and we saw our little welcoming committee just a few feet away coming to greet us. Not as scary as a rattler or copperhead but a little surprising to see when stepping out of the car.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I caught Bambi while having dinner in our yard. Momma patiently posed. Have you heard the fawns? I never knew that they sound like lambs when calling for Mom.

The Rhododendron and the Bee

This was taken in July just off the deck of our house.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Red-Tailed Hawk vs. Broad-Winged Hawk

Well, I thought this is a Red Tailed Hawk but can't say for sure. He swooped into the yard while we were on the deck and only perched there for a few seconds allowing me to get these shots. Any opinions on the type of hawk are welcome in the Comments section below. [Click to enlarge photos. It looks like he has lunch in his right talon.]

I've heard another comment from Judy W that this could also be a broad-winged hawk as they have a darker beak than the red-tailed hawk. Without a visible underside it's tough to distinguish the two but this beak looks dark! The tail also resembles a broad-winged hawk more.

Monday, August 24, 2009

More Hummers

This one waited to swoop down on the other at the feeder yesterday.

Battle of the Hummers

I thought only the males fought over feeders? I guess we'll need to get another feeder (note the hummer on the feeder in the second picture camouflaged by the oak tree). This showdown was yesterday afternoon.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

This is a full grown Copperhead WV style. We captured it last spring in our back yard up on Honey Locust Lane. It was trapped in some nylon garden mesh we had on a plant, and after releasing it we had second thoughts about doing that. Probably should have put it in snake heaven, but they do control vermin population to some extent. The coloring is similar to the corn snake, but under close examination the head is not the same and colors are red touching yellow as opposed to red touching black on the corn snake. In any case, the watchword is BEWARE they are in the River Ridge area for sure. We have not seen another since this single capture.

Jim Kline

Finally, a Turkey

We had heard about all the wild turkeys in this neighborhood but it was not until this July on Detour Rd. near Milo School Rd. I saw two turkeys on the side of the road. They are pretty fast so I was only able to snap 1 of the 2 here. Of course, the following weekend we saw about 20 turkeys, with 3 little ones, near the river in the Park and crossing Constant Run Rd but I was without the camera. It's easier to see it if you enlarge the photo by clicking on it.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tree Catching Lessons-FREE

Private or group lessons available. Learn the latest techniques to really bring in the big ones. Unfortunately, the oak featured in this photo got away and my overpriced lure I splurged on from Hunter's is still hooked in that branch ($2 Reward available).
I'm really looking forward to seeing your sightings and/or photos after hearing about a few at the board meeting today.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Can Roadkill be Interesting??

This past May while driving out on Constant Run Rd about 300 feet from Rte 9 we passed this guy in the street. At first he appeared alive but upon closer inspection he seemed to be run over by a vehicle. Not recognizing this form of snake I, of course, jumped to the conclusion it was a West Virginia rattlesnake despite the lack of a rattle and never previously seeing a photo of a WV rattlesnake. Anyhow, thanks to Grant W's guidance, it turns out this is most likely an unfortunate cornsnake (click on photo to enlarge). See the side link on "WV snakes" to see what you think.

River Ridgers welcome to post here!

Note: You can always view this site without logging into it.

Having as many local contributors here as possible or are interested will make this site even better.

  • As long as it's wildlife-related we're interested!
  • The more animal/bird sightings, wildlife info, photos, etc. the better so anyone in the community is encouraged to post comments and/or photos.
  • If you would like to post here please just put your name and email in the "Comments" section below and we'll send the email invite to get you the posting privileges.
  • If you have trouble posting or are just plain shy send an email with what you would like posted (text or photos) and I'll help you get it up on the site or post it for you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Eastern Box Turtle

It seems these were all over the roads of River Ridge this spring. I saw this one on a walk up Pioneer Trail in June. I learned our dog, Rudy, likes to step on them with his paw them so I have to keep him away to shoot turtle pics. Apparently, this is a male as he has red eyes (click on photo for close up view).

See the website listing ("WV Turtles" under Helpful Links in sidebar) the 13 turtle species of WV; most including the respective photos for easy identification.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fall Birding Festival

Berkeley Springs, WV
September 18, 19 & 20, 2009

7 pm, Friday - Ice House – corner of Independence & Mercer Streets.
OPENING RECEPTION. Pick up information & directions for weekend’s events.

7:30 pm, Friday - Ice House - AN APPRECIATION OF BIRD SONG – Listen to the amazing variety of bird songs to discover how to identify birds before they are seen. Wil Hershberger, one of Eastern Panhandle’s leading naturalists and birding experts, will introduce these skills to launch the weekend.

8 am, Saturday - Eidolon - Join an Early Morning Birding Adventure at Potomac Valley Audubon Society’s forested ridge top nature preserve as Wil Hershberger and Joe Gentile lead birders of all skill levels on a challenging morning walk. Bring binoculars and water. Wear trail clothing.

10 am, Saturday - Warm Springs Intermediate School - Beginning Birding for Kids of All Ages - Learn about: Basic Gear, Using Binoculars, Field Guides, Identification Basics, Birding Manners, “Pishing”, Birding by Habitat, & Keeping a Birding Journal & Life List. Get ready to participate as Kelly Smith, Cacapon State Park naturalist, and Ellen Murphy, PVAS director of youth programs, lead you on a beginning birding adventure.

7:30 pm, Saturday - Country Inn - HAWKS ON THE MOVE - Learn to scan the skies for visiting raptors, and learn to identify them by their features and movements. Liam McGranagham, noted Northern Virginia author and raptor expert, will provide a visual survey of the annual Fall migration currently underway. Advance Ticket $5 (call 304 258-0992) $7 at the door, DOORS OPEN AT 7 FOR DESSERT AND COFFEE.

8 am, Sunday - Carpool from CNB’s Gravel Parking Lot - Market & South Washington (522) A Guided Birding Adventure - View Cacapon Mountain, amble thru the meadow, listen to the bird songs around the pond, and ask Wil Hershberger birding questions as he leads us on a leisurely morning bird walk thru a variety of habitats. Wear sturdy walking shoes, bring binoculars and a camera if you like, return to town approximately 11:30 am.

Sponsored by Potomac Valley Audubon Society
For reservations & more information 304 258-0992
If you can help support this effort by making
an in kind-donation,
please contact
Judy Webb at 304 258-0992

If you would like to help support this effort by making
a tax deductible donation
Please mail your check to
P.O. Box 578, Shepherdstown, WV 25443

Please specify for Fall Birding Festival

Wild and wonderful includes kayaking on the Potomac. We saw eagles, blue herons, ducks, and lots of fish on a recent trip.

The Buffet is Open

Knowing there was wildlife in the neighborhood we bought a "game camera" to capture anything passing through while we were not around. Although we haven't seen any bear or coyote yet we did quickly learn that any unprotected flowers are promptly addressed by the local deer (note the plant next to the chair that also used to have flowers).

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wild and Wonderful

I'm starting this blog to document and learn more about the wildlife seen in the community of River Ridge in Great Cacapon, WV. After being a "weekender" there since September of 2008 my wife, Leslie, and I have realized just how many different types of wildlife are present in and around the neighborhood. I'm no wildlife professional so your two cents about a picture or event are welcome and comments or your own posts are encouraged. To date, I have asked my neighbor, Grant, to sort out my numerous, misidentified creature sightings and it has been much appreciated.

I would really like to have the blog consist of the following but am open to suggestions:

  1. Photos of local wildlife with time/dates and descriptions of what it is we are seeing there.
  2. Sightings (time/date/location) of more rare birds or mammals (e.g. coyote, black bear, etc.) are certainly welcome too. We finally saw about 20 wild turkeys over 2 days but they are quick and not as easy to photograph either!
  3. Seasonal information such as about animal mating, births, bird migrations, etc.
  4. Miscellaneous information such as what things deer will avoid eating such as rhododendron, concrete, etc. and how to protect a garden, tips on bird feeding or whatever you feel like posting.
If you would like to be able to "post" to the blog and add photos please send me your email address so I can provide the privileges allowing you to do this.

We're looking forward to posting and hearing about what the neighbors are seeing soon.

Glenn and Leslie @ Sideling Mtn Trail and Chipmunk

[Photo above taken in early August outside the gate on Constant Run Road.]